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Harris County Judge & Harris County Public Health | Harris County Announces COVID-19 Community Level Dashboard is now in the “Green” Lowest Level



September29, 2022                                                                                

Media Contact: Angelica LunaKaufman (713)315-1052

Harris County Announces COVID-19Community Level Dashboard is now in the “Green” Lowest Level

The level of community spread and daily casecounts have dropped to the lowest since then
start of the pandemic

HarrisCounty, TX – As of 4, the COVID-19Community Level has moved to Green (Low)under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) system that HarrisCounty adopted a month ago. Under the previous threat level system, which haddifferent indicators, the county would be trending towards down green.Wastewater viral load continues to trend downward along with newcases.

Earlierthis month, Harris County transitioned from the COVID-19 threat level system tothe CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level model, marking a new phase in the fightagainst COVID-19 in Harris County.

“Thisis great news!” said Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. “Across the board,whether it be hospitalizations, cases, trends or raw numbers, that is atestament to the work this community did and continues to do to fight COVID-19.It took a concerted community effort to get us to this point, and I am so proudof Harris County for reaching this milestone. We know this is not the end ofour time with COVID, but because of the vaccines, boosters, and treatments, wehave come a long way in this fight.”

“Andalthough the community level is currently low, we still want to encourageresidents to take necessary precautions to keep us in this category, especiallyas we continue into the fall season and are presented with new variants andwith the holidays just around the corner. Harris County Public Health(HCPH) is offering the Pfizer bivalentbooster vaccines to individuals ages 12 years and older and the Modernabivalent booster vaccines to individuals 18 years and older.”

Theupdated bivalent boosters are administered in a single dose and protect againstthe original COVID-19 strains as well as the dominant Omicron variant. Peoplewho are up to date on their vaccines and boosters have a much lower risk ofsevere illness and death from COVID-19 compared to those who are unvaccinated.

HCPHwill continue to provide COVID-19 guidance and updates as the pandemiccontinues. Updated COVID level guidance and explanations for what each sectionentails can be found on and

If youknow someone in need of a free COVID-19 vaccination or in need of a COVID-19booster dose, visit or call 832-927-8787. Appointments are not necessary,but HCPH can help you find a location closest to you or help with specialaccommodations for those who need travel assistance.